I always give 100% in school

13% Monday

22% Tuesday

26% Wednesday

35% Thursday

4% Friday

Hihi, I think this model applies pretty good to my performance. At least, so I hope. Because I better get a lot more done tomorrow. Anyhow I give myself and A for effort. I was up bright and early today, ready to go to school at 6:45. I picked up the feedback on my research proposal and spent a couple of hours going through articles in order to find a theory. Mission impossible. On the better note, I sure have learned something from doing this project. Never chose you research question before finding a theory. Always find a theory first!!!

We had class in the "Implementation and work of civil servants in a globalized world"-course. Interesting, but my mind is occupied with the other course at the moment, so I couldn't really concentrate.

The day was however not a complete failure, I also got some good news. I found out I got a B in a previous course & Lizzie booked her tickets to come here on Saturday. I can't believe it's been one year and nine months since we last saw eachother.  She was here visiting during my first weeks of college. I look at the pictures and it feels like it would have been decades ago. So much have happened since then. I feel like I have changed. Hopefully to the better, but I'm not sure. Anyhow I have a feeling that Lizzie's visit will do me good. She's my mentor and best friend and I hope her visit will help me out a little :)

Some pics from September '08


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