i wanna be the one to walk in the sun

What a beautiful day!

I was suppose to get up early to study today but afetr staying up a bit too late i decided to sleep in and simply go to school around 10 when the lecture started. Sleep is important! Class was good, not a lot of people showed up, probably busy writing all the assignments we have... After lunch Josh, Mathias and I went downtown cause M & I both needed to get new passport photos. We somehow ended up at the café Strandgatan and enjoyed the first outside fika of the year. After this winter, I appriciate the warm sunlight like never before.

Mathias and I went to the gym for a bit, and after that I spent my evening cleaning my apartment. I'm so ready to move out. There's stuff (read:clothes) everywhere and I can't seem to get rid of it.

Right now, I am in the middle of a hot chocolate, candle light, Cougar Town marathon night. Things just got even better when Noel (I know his name is not Noel but for me that's who he'll always be...) from Felicity showed up wohhooo. I love Noel. I have laundry time at 6am tomorrow and then I am going to write a 1000 word book analysis before 3:30pm because I'm planning to attend a lecture at school. Pressure is on, thank God for pressure. Especially last minute pressure. Without it I would never get anything done.

Nighy nighty!


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