skillnaden på vänner & kompisar
nu löser det sig med pengar, maureen & geo skickar e-pengar till biljett under kvällen och innan jag vet ordet av det befinner jag mig på andra sidan atlanten igen. efter att ha pratat maureen längtar jag ännu mer. finns mycket planer för sommaren, nästan mer än vanligt. och bäst av allt - i slutet av juli får jag en hel helg ensam med barnen!! hihi vilka hyss vi ska ha för oss. ska börja smida planer redan nu, för jag har helt fria händer. funderar på om vi ska åka ner till stranden och avalon och på så sätt få till en extra helg där.
och mammsen har fixat pengar till haag. har jag nämnt att jag har världens bästa mamma?
nu ska jag klicka på nyheterna och försöka somna till dem...!
natti natti
done and done
not feeling great today. coughing like a maniac. i'm gonna fold some wash, have dinner and get to bed early! :)
puss & kram!
i wanna be the one to walk in the sun
I was suppose to get up early to study today but afetr staying up a bit too late i decided to sleep in and simply go to school around 10 when the lecture started. Sleep is important! Class was good, not a lot of people showed up, probably busy writing all the assignments we have... After lunch Josh, Mathias and I went downtown cause M & I both needed to get new passport photos. We somehow ended up at the café Strandgatan and enjoyed the first outside fika of the year. After this winter, I appriciate the warm sunlight like never before.
Mathias and I went to the gym for a bit, and after that I spent my evening cleaning my apartment. I'm so ready to move out. There's stuff (read:clothes) everywhere and I can't seem to get rid of it.
Right now, I am in the middle of a hot chocolate, candle light, Cougar Town marathon night. Things just got even better when Noel (I know his name is not Noel but for me that's who he'll always be...) from Felicity showed up wohhooo. I love Noel. I have laundry time at 6am tomorrow and then I am going to write a 1000 word book analysis before 3:30pm because I'm planning to attend a lecture at school. Pressure is on, thank God for pressure. Especially last minute pressure. Without it I would never get anything done.
Nighy nighty!
I spent most of my day reading in bed. Also prepared lunches for this week, but now I'm out of food so I need to go to the store tomorrow. Tonight Josh and I watched The Prestige, which I now wanna watch again. I'm almost falling asleep... so I should say good night. I'm both dreading and looking forward to this coming week. So much going on right now, both good and bad!
Time to fall alseep to another episode of Cougar Town...
dear god
i'm coming home!
getting priorities straight
where to start? i guess where i last took off. we spent our friday evening at backstage where we had the usual taco buffee. it was not that good this time. i'm not sure if it was the food or the fact that my cold practically eliminates flavour whatsoever. the gang continued on home to annica who had her friend anette here. i left to go home to have a nice and calm friday night. it's been a long week and i'm exhausted. i managed to catch up on some reading, and thereafter i watched surf's up. exhausted or not, i just couldn't fall asleep. too much coffee, loud neighbors, a high fever, not being able to breath properly, people sneaking around by backyard looking in to my window all made it impossible to fall asleep. last time i looked at the time it was aorung 3:30am but shortly thereafter i finally fell asleep.
today martin, josh and i had planned a little shopping trip to gothenburg. it turned out to be a beautiful sunny spring day. martin did most of the shopping, i did some and josh none. we ate lunch at a greek restaurant. all in all, i had a great day.
after i came home, i had just taken a shower when my darling teresa calls me on my cell from germany. i called her back on skype. nothing bad about skype, technology is fantastic. but when someone is in a desperate need of a hug, watching them on a video screen is very frustrating. t - you know i love you and i am always here for you!
our party night was good! we celebrated the return of the annica. she had foot surgery a few weeks ago, so there has a serious lack of dancing (and alcohol?). tonight however - the annica we all know was back indeed! tihi.
now i am in bed. after taking matin to the town square for hot dogs and hamburgers. after walking home in the cold night giggeling about my lovely lovely matin. after losing my voice. after having mathias here checking on me. even though i had a couple of drinks tonight i feel sober as a judge. i'm sipping some herbal tea with milk and honey for my voice. i'm afraid i will be really sick tomorrow but i hope that's not the case.
no matter how fun tonight was. i'm starting to feel tired of the "student life". i'm tired of school. i'm tired of eating lunch out of a box. i'm a bit tired of never having enough money. i'm tired of eating my dinner alone. i'm tired of mostly hanging out with my friends in school or when there is alcohol involved. i'm tired of being away from my loved ones in norrköping & bethlehem.
a change of environment will be great. right now i am looking forward to: family dinners, drive-way basketball with katie & patch, long walks around lehigh with my furry friend jedd, watching the kids play sports, blabbling with katie kate, hanging at barnes & noble, quick fit with pat, corn on the cob, long days at the pool, itching patrick's back, teasing big george about his existence... which there will be plenty of this summer :)
with that said i would like to point out the one thing i will never get tired of: my wonderful friends in trollhättan. i love you all so much.
nighty night
(and T?, don't forget to turn out the light...)
Sleep is the best cure
I've been sick & psychotic two days in a row, but today I feel so much better. I got to talk to Lizzie yesterday, and that was great! Also talked to Mamma and listened to Ingrid on the radio. Add 10 hours sleep and I feel fine.
I've been at school since 8am trying to find a theory for my pm. Hopefully someone else will show up soon. Cause today I'm going to have coffee. I'm starting to believe that maybe I'm sick cause I haven't had coffee for over a week now. I mean coffee does contain important antioxidants.
I have a seminar in the new course at 10:45 so I should start to prepare for that.
I feel like doing something, going for a walk, hanging out, having fun. But my throat hurts really bad and I think I'm getting a I think I'm gonna crawl up in bed and watch TV and have a cup of tea.
Tomorrow is a new day.
cause you had a bad day
and then you figure out a way to turn things around. i just had the best talk with sonja over skype!!! i cannot believe it's been almost two years since we last saw each other. scandalous! but we're just busy you know. thank you for making my day so much better. i miss you darling
maybe we weren't meant to fly?
tycker det är mycket intressant hur askmolnet gör oss lamslagna!
idag tog jag till mitt favoritverktyg för att få tankarna på annat. shopping. skönt. jeans, tre toppar, två nagellack & en mascara blev resultatet. för ynka 500-lappen. varför klockan nu är 23:39 när jag skulle sova klockan 23:00 har jag ingen aning om... woaaaa. i morgon ska jag ta tag och planera upp mitt liv, eller åtmistonde min lilla rymd av tid som är kvar i trollis. deal? japp så får det bli.
nu ska jag somna till det sista avsnittet på säsong ett av förhäxad.
puss & go'natt
If only I had known what I know now
I stumbled across a new TV serie today. It's called "Modern Family" and it seems like something I would like. Will try to get the hold of the first season....! But right now, I beg good night.
And don't forget to turn out the light...
att rota i hjärnan.
believe me, ni klarar er inte utan henne heller
gå därför in på:
hanging with the rich and famous
Laying on Annica's couch... we just enjoyed some of Annica's famous oatmeal (sorry for forgetting the butter anniCa). Having a really good night...Joshua and Matina was here for a bit too and we watched stupid youtube clips laughing our heads of. Not literally.
I'm freaking out about leaving Trollhättan, as I always do when something good is about to come to an end. Maureen knows what I'm talking about. About 8 weeks before I was moving back to Sweden I started cleaning, organizing, throwing away things in my room (i.e running around like a crazy person). She compared me with a 8 months pregnant women doing her nesting. I'm the exact opposite. I'm un-nesting myself from things. Current sympthoms I have noticed:
- I make at least one round to the recycling place everyday. (Okay, I admitt, I never ever went to get rid of any magazines, newspapers and stuff like that during my time in Krebo) So I guess it's about time.
- I'm systematically going through my closet. Today I got rid of two pairs of jeans. (Erika does not throw away clothes)
Warning, sympthoms may also include being a total bitch and crying at unconvenient times.
By the way. Matina has this week appeared on two of the biggest Swedish blogs. She is practically a Hollywood celebrity already! Check out her blog at :)
those little words
ingrid i've said it before and i'll say it again - you complete me
detta är mest till min mor
"Inga klumpar"
God Natt
life is about taking chances
sunny side up
jag har det bra, men saknar er!
last part of trolly...
cutie hanna sent me a text in capital letters earlier today, telling me i was missed already.
love you!
home luxuries
i'm studying and my lovely sister is straightening my hair
Happy Easter
my princess!
So yesterday was dinner at my dad's and today we had an Easter lunch with the cousins. I also got to see Mia, one of my oldest friends, and play with her handsome litte one, Elias. In the afternoon Sussi, Mamma, Jossan and I walked mormor home.
Later on Markus and I drove over to "Världens Bar" where we sat down for some beer and coffee(in my case). Always good to catch up with a good friend. After dropping him off at the train station for his second date of the evening (and no, I didn't mind - I know I'll always be his gal ;)) I headed home. I love driving at night.
sleep tight and don't forget to turn off the light!
good friday
Happy Easter everyone! We all slept in today, Josi and I was up late playing the Sims...! Good Friday has been nothing but good so far. Mamma, Jörgen & Hanna left to go out to our house in Bränntorp. Josi and I watched Forrest Gump as we enjoyed a late breakfast. Then we dsecided to try Zumba which turned out to be hilarious because I accidently got in in Spanish instead of English. So funny!
I am almost through my first article and I managed to find a third one I think I can use. I hope I will find enough time to get started this weekend... just so much I wanna do while I'm home. Today we're having Easter dinner at Pappa's. I need to get myself in the shower soon, as I am to pick up Farmor on the way to Pappa's.
Love Love Love
happy happy
and i finished off my day with a run... it is getting really warm here!
nighty night everyone. sleep tight!
systra mi
grocery shopping with pappa & tilde was on the schedule this afternoon. it must be really confusing having a scary lady for a sister, especially one that only turns up every other month or so. i did however manage to make her smile after a while. after grocery shopping we went back home, had lunch and then blueberry pie for desert. need i say desert was more popular than pyttipanna? i borrowed farfar's old car until tomorrow so i got home super fast. i miss driving. the sun is about to set and i am going for a run.
today is thursday
- i am in a good mood
- my hair is curly
- i am wearing a blue shirt that belongs to my sister (wohoo love that we can borrow each other's clothes nowadays)
- i have found 2 of the 4 articles i need for my public policy analysis
- i am waiting for my dad to pick me up so ia can spend some time with my little angel tilde
- the sun just came out!
- i am going to wear my new shoes today!!!
the Back-up plan
just came across an exciting opportunity that i will have to take in consideration when planning the fall semester... a back-up plan never hurt anyone, right!? :)
because home is where your heart is
mamma woke me up today, with breakfast on the table! i just gave up my second attempt to limit my coffee consumption. i made it through friday, saturday and sunday last week without a sip of coffee. this time i only made it through yesterday. tea just won't do. so i give up. i love coffee too much.
norrköping is rainy at the moment. but as i have a policy analysis to write during the weekend, rain is ok with me. i just got off the phone with mathias and should go back to writing!
josefine will probably murder me for this
but i can't help myself. (because it explains why it's so good to be home. i am with people of my own kind)